اسلام آباد… سپريم کورٹ نے ضمني انتخابات ميں پي پي کي اميدوار وحيدہ شاہ
کي جانب سے 25مارچ کو ہونے والے ضمني انتخابات ميں پولنگ عملے پر تشدد کا
از خود نوٹس لے ليا ہے. چيف جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدري نے دي نيوز ميں انيتا
تراب کي جانب سے شائع ايک خط پر نوٹس ليا ہے جس ميں انہوں نے واقعے کا
ازخود نوٹس لينے کا مطالبہ کيا تھا. چيف جسٹس نے 2 مارچ کو آئي جي سندھ،
اليکشن کميشن اور وحيدہ شاہ کو طلب کر ليا ہے
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
بان کي مون کي کوہستان ميں مسافروں کے قتل کي شديد مذمت
نيويارک … اقوام متحدہ کے سيکرٹري جنرل بان کي مون نے کوہستان ميں بس سے
مسافروں کو اتار کر قتل کرنے کے واقعے کي شديد مذمت کي ہے.ايک بيان ميں بان
کي مون نے کہا کہ انتہا پسندي اور دہشت گردي سے پاکستان ميں کافي جاني
نقصان ہورہا ہے. اقوام متحدہ دہشت گردي اور انتہا پسندي کے خلاف کوششوں ميں
پاکستان کے ساتھ ہے. سيکريٹري جنرل اقوام متحدہ نے کوہستان کے واقعے ميں
جاں بحق افراد کے لواحقين اور حکومت پاکستان کے ساتھ دلي تعزيت کا اظہار
کيا ہے.
Abbottabad News,
Ban Ki Mon,
Hazara News
گلگت اور ہنزہ نگر ميں صورتحال بدستور کشيدہ
گلگت… کوہستان ميں دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں 16افراد کي ہلاکت کے بعد گلگت اور
ہنزہ نگر ميں صورتحال کشيدہ ہے.جاں بحق ہونے والے 11افراد کي شناخت ہوگئي
ہے جن کي نماز جنازہ آج ادا کي جائيگي. کشيدگي کي وجہ سے کرفيو کا سماں
ہے.لوگ گھروں تک محدود ہيں ،سڑکوں پر ٹريفک نہ ہونے کے برابر ہے.جاں بحق
ہونے والے 16افراد کي لاشوں کو ہيلي کاپٹرز کے ذريعے گلگت منتقل کيے جانے
کے بعد ڈسٹرکٹ ہيڈکواٹر اسپتال ميں تمام لاشوں کا پوسٹ مارٹم کياگيا.اسپتال
ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ ہلاک شدگان ميں11لاشوں کي شناخت ہوگئي ہے.جن ميں سے
3کا تعلق استور سے،ايک کا پاراچنار سے،ايک کا گلگت کے علاقے شروٹ سے،6کا
تعلق ہنزہ نگر کے مختلف علاقوں سے ہے.شناخت ہونے والي لاشيں آج مرکزي انجمن
اماميہ کے سپرد کي جائيں گي.جس کے بعدان کي اجتماعي نماز جنازہ اماميہ
جامع مسجد ميں ادا کي جائيگي جس کے بعد ميتوں کو ان کے آبائي علاقوں ميں
روانہ کرديا جائيگا.
Abbottabad News,
Hazara News,
Kohistan News
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Abbottabad: Razing of bin Laden's compound near finish, al Qaeda chief compound becoming history
Authorities on Saturday evening began tearing down the
infamous compound of al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden where he was hunted
down by US commandos in a top-secret raid in May last year.
A private construction firm was hired to bulldoze the structure
following the green light from the judicial commission investigating the
circumstances that led to the US Navy SEAL raid, official sources told media .
“Workers are expected to pull down the building by 3am,” said an
official source, adding that heavy machinery had been moved to Bilal
Town, the neighbourhood next to Pakistan Military Academy where the
structure is located.
Soon after a visit to the mansion by the Abbottabad commission
members, the belongings of the Bin Laden family were moved to an
undisclosed location in anticipation of its demolition.
Sources said that security forces, who were standing guard at the
compound, handed its control to the civil administration before its
demolition started at around 8.30pm.
Witnesses said troops blocked access to the compound, brought heavy
machinery and barred journalists from taking pictures or coming close to
the site. As workers started demolishing the structure in the glare of
floodlights, local residents were asked to remain indoors till the
structure was razed.
The triple-storey house, built over an area of 38,000 square feet and
worth Rs85 million, has been under the control of the security forces
and police since the May 2011 raid.
Two months ago, the authorities had detained the Danish ambassador,
his wife and their security officer for visiting the area. During the
last 10 months, more than eight Pakistani and foreign journalists were
also detained for taking photographs of the compound.
“They should have razed it much earlier to spare us frequent questioning and surveillance,” said local resident Iqbal.
“The area people will now heave a sigh of relief,” added Tariq,
another resident of Bilal Town. “At least the Bin Laden chapter is
closed for us now.”
Abbottabad News,
Osama bin Laden,
Qaeda chief
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Two cops, ‘outlaw’ killed in Abbottabad clash
ABBOTTABAD: Two cops and an alleged
outlaw were killed in an exchange of fire in the Mir Alam town in the
limits of the Mirpur Police Station on Wednesday, police sources said.
sources said that the Rider Squad including police constables Sardar
Haroon and Waheed were on routine patrol when they came across some
suspected persons and stopped them for body search. They said that one
of the persons opened fire on the cops and triggered an exchange of
Both the cops were critically injured
and an outlaw was shot dead on the spot. The cops died on way to the
hospital. District Police Officer Abbottabad Karim Khan told The News
that the outlaws were stated to be four in number and some of them were
also injured in the shootout. The bodies were shifted to the Ayub
Medical Complex. The identity of the slain outlaw could not be
ascertained. The police cordoned off the area to capture the fleeing
outlaws but there was no word about any arrest.
Abbottabad News
ايبٹ آباد : مين بازار ميں پانچ گودام اور پانچ دکانيں جل کر خاکستر
ايبٹ آباد … ايبٹ آباد کے مين بازار ميں ايک ہوٹل اور مٹھائي کي دکان کي
بالائي منزل ميں اچانک آگ بھڑک اٹھي، جس نے جلد ہي ديگر عمارتوں کو اپني
لپيٹ ميں لے ليا.ايبٹ آباد کے مين بازار ميں منگل کي رات آٹھ بجے ايک مقامي
ہوٹل اور مٹھائي کي دکان کي بالائي منزل ميں آگ بھڑک اٹھي جس نے ديکھتے ہي
ديکھتے ملحقہ دکانوں کو بھي لپيٹ ميں لے ليا.آگ بجھانے کيليے مقامي رضاکار
اور فائر بريگيڈ کے عملے نے موقع پر پہنچ کر آگ بجھانے کي کوششيں شروع
کيں.آگ زيادہ اور گلياں تنگ ہونے کے باعث آگ بجھانے ميں پريشاني کا سامنا
کرنا پڑا.تقريبا دو گھنٹوں کي کوششوں کے بعد آگ پر قابو پاليا گيا، تاہم اس
دوران کپڑوں اور جوتوں کے پانچ گودام اور پانچ دکانيں مکمل طور پر جل
گئيں.واقعے ميں کوئي جاني نقصان نہيں ہوا.
Hotel Burnt in Abbottabad City
Monday, 20 February 2012
Jan 31 2012 Expensive govt land on Murree Road allotted illegally
ISLAMABAD: Government land costing billions of rupees on the Murree Road has allegedly been allotted.
While widening the Murree Road in 1998-99, the then Punjab chief minister, who also holds the post now [Shahbaz Sharif], had decided to allot alternate land instead of financial compensation to some of the affected persons.
Working swiftly, the Highways Department first got transferred six acres of land on the main Murree Road owned by the Agriculture Department in their own names and then transferred it illegally to fake victims.
The Revenue department had also declared the allotment illegal six years back. After probe, it was learnt that land was provided to Raja Abdul Latif without any legal justification ignoring the legal claimant Zia Rashid.
Likewise, Raja Shafqat, son of Raja Mohammad Siddiq, was also allotted land while the actual claimant, Mohammad Hashim Khan, son of Haji Manzoor Hussain, was ignored. Two other real claimants Mohammad Usman and Jamila Akhtar were also not included in the list.
A six-member committee consisting of officials of the Revenue and Highways departments in the light of a detailed report of tehsildar Rawalpindi had ruled that all bogus allotments may be cancelled and the land illegally allotted maybe got vacated. The committee had also ruled that the genuine affected persons may be given alternate lands elsewhere.
While widening the Murree Road in 1998-99, the then Punjab chief minister, who also holds the post now [Shahbaz Sharif], had decided to allot alternate land instead of financial compensation to some of the affected persons.
Working swiftly, the Highways Department first got transferred six acres of land on the main Murree Road owned by the Agriculture Department in their own names and then transferred it illegally to fake victims.
The Revenue department had also declared the allotment illegal six years back. After probe, it was learnt that land was provided to Raja Abdul Latif without any legal justification ignoring the legal claimant Zia Rashid.
Likewise, Raja Shafqat, son of Raja Mohammad Siddiq, was also allotted land while the actual claimant, Mohammad Hashim Khan, son of Haji Manzoor Hussain, was ignored. Two other real claimants Mohammad Usman and Jamila Akhtar were also not included in the list.
A six-member committee consisting of officials of the Revenue and Highways departments in the light of a detailed report of tehsildar Rawalpindi had ruled that all bogus allotments may be cancelled and the land illegally allotted maybe got vacated. The committee had also ruled that the genuine affected persons may be given alternate lands elsewhere.
Abbottabad News,
Hazara News,
PML (N),
The Punjabi Taliban and PML (N)
Punjab, with Lahore as its bustling capital, contains half of
Pakistan’s population. The provincial government is in the hands of the
conservative, mildly Islamist party of a former prime minister, Nawaz
Sharif. In a speech in March his brother, Shahbaz Sharif, who is chief
minister, pleaded with the Taliban to leave Punjab alone as his
administration shared their ideology of keeping out “foreign dictation”
(ie, Americans). Officials bristle at comparisons between Punjab, which
is moderately well run, and the lawless tribal areas.
It is correct to say that there has been no territorial takeover by
extremists in any part of the province, nor any enforcement of Islamic
law. However, Punjab functions as an ideological nursery and recruiting
ground for militants throughout the country. Distinctions between the
Taliban in the north-west and older jihadi groups in Punjab
have broken down. The federal government says Punjabi groups have been
responsible for most of the big terrorist attacks in the province.
Punjab’s minister of law, Rana Sanaullah, went on the campaign trail
in February with the reputed head of Sipah-e-Sahaba, for a by-election
in the southern town of Jhang. The two rode through the streets in an
open-top vehicle. The minister says that he was just trying to bring the
group into the mainstream. Jhang is Sipah-e-Sahaba’s headquarters; the
group makes little effort to hide its presence there.
Another outfit, Jaish-e-Mohammed, is based in Bahawalpur, also in
southern Punjab, where it has a huge seminary. Former members of both
organisations are integral parts of the Pakistani Taliban. Another
group, Lashkar-e-Taiba, blamed for the devastating attack on Mumbai in
2008, also has Punjab as its home. “The Punjab government is not only
complacent, there is a certain ambivalence in their attitude” towards
extremists, says Arif Nizami, a political analyst based in Lahore. “They
compete for the religious vote bank.”
PML (N),
Rana Sanaullah,
Shahbaz Sharif,
Students Protest Corruption of Sharifs
Recent agitation against the Punjab government on the intermediate
result fiasco, underscores the growing wedge between the youth and a
Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) desperate to woe the younger
generation. The protests could not have come at a worse time for the
Sharif’s, who are trying to mobilise the public against the federal
government. Following the cancellation of the intermediate exams at four
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) centres in Punjab,
students and the youth have raised fingers at the credentials of the
Punjab Chief Minister (CM) to mount an anti-corruption campaign against
the federal government. The failure of the online examination system
across Punjab has sparked anger that now risks the 28 October rally by
the Sharif brothers against the federal government, Pakistan Today
learnt on Sunday.
Students have asked on what grounds are the Sharif brothers taking
out a rally against corruption when the education boards in their own
province had become the hub of corruption. While the Punjab CM was
visiting education institutes to garner support, the cancellation of
Inter-1 result at four BISE boards, including Lahore, Gujranwala, Multan
and Faisalabad, sparked rage amongst students who chanted slogans
against Shahbaz and Nawaz Sharif and set Punjab government
advertisements on fire. After his Inter result was cancelled, student
Wasif Ali said,
I find the Punjab CM criticising corruption by the federal government, I
want to ask him: what happened at the four BISE boards, Mr CM?”
– Wasif Ali
– Wasif Ali
“Is it because of his love for education that no permanent education
minister has been appointed in Punjab,” he said, “the education ministry
has failed due to its incompetence and the CM should not expect the
youth to turn up at his rally.”
“The parents of female students are sitting on roads and chanting
slogans against the Punjab government but his government has ordered
police to beat up students protesting for their rights. Why should we
join him in the rally?” Kashif asked. Another intermediate student,
Adeel Ahmad said it was ironic the PML-N was holding a rally against
corruption when the CM himself was supervising corruption in Punjab.
“While Shahbaz has rightly suspended the BISE Chairman and Controller,
no action has been initiated against the man behind the fiasco, BISE It
Consultant Dr Majid Naeem, who is related to a PML-leader,” Adeel said.
He said it was common knowledge that Dr Majid had corruptions cases
registered against Majid, who had been terminated from Punjab University
on corruption charges. He said the fact that the PML-N was turning a
blind eye to Majid’s corruption, showed their hypocrisy.Sharifs responsible for energy crisis
KARACHI: The present energy crisis could be linked to perceived myopic policies of former premier and PML-N chief Mian Nawaz Sharif when he ended the energy projects of Thar coal and Keti Bandar initiated by slain premier Benazir Bhutto, Sindh Minister for Information Sharjeel Inam Memon said on Monday.
Speaking at a press conference at the New Sindh Secretariat, the minister responding to allegations of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that the then PPP-led government had started work for utilisation of the Thar coal reserves for power generation. He added that the myopic policies of subsequent government led by PML-N resulted in scrapping of the same, otherwise now the country would have been in a position to export power.
After coming into power, the present government has revived the Thar coal project and has given preference to small power projects up to 10 megawatts in the country especially in Sindh to overcome the power crisis. He regretted that Sharif rothers tended to do politics on sensitive issues like rain devastation in Sindh province. Memon said that it was not easy task to provide relief of over eight million displaced persons but the government is utilising all available resources for relief and rehabilitation of the victims.
The minister claimed that around 40-50pc accumulated rainwater in devastated districts have been drained out, enabling the farmers to sow Rabi (winter) crops like wheat. He said it was not advisable for the PML-N leadership to do politics over the rain destruction in Sindh.
He also accused the Sharif brothers of committing corruption and earning money through illegal means. He claimed that the PML-N leaders had got billions of rupees loans written off by the banks while recently, Senator Ishaq Dar publicly admitted that money laundering was committed on instructions of Nawaz Sharif when he was prime minister.
The Sindh minister also alleged that PML-N chief was speaking the language of the West against Pak Army after killing of al-Qaeda chief, Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011 in the US operation in Abbottabad.
Memon said that Nawaz Sharif had forgotten that he himself was a product of ambitious military generals. He said that the Sharif brothers supported those military generals who perpetrated the dictatorship in the country.
Friday, 17 February 2012
مختلف سیاسی جھنڈے پکڑے ہوئے ہزارہ کے عوام اور ہزارہ کی دھرتی کے ساتھ غداری کے مرتکب ہو رہئے ہیں ,بابا سر دار حیدر زمان
قائد تحریک بابا سردار حیدر زمان نے کہا ہے کہ ہزارہ کی مٹی کا مقروض ہوں
اس کا قرض چکا کر دم لوں گا آج ہزارہ وال قوم تاریخ کے جن لمحات میں زندہ
ہے یہ نہ صرف ہماری تقدیر کے فیصلہ کن لمحات ہیں بلکہ قوموں کی تاریخ میں
یہ لمحات نایاب ہوتے ہیں ۔قوم کا آج کا فیصلہ یا تو ہماری آنے والی نسلوں
کے سر فخر سے بلند کر دے گا یا پھر آنے والی نسلوں کے لئے ایک طعنے کی صورت
میں یا حیات ان کا پیچھا کرتا رہئے گا انہوں نے کہا کہ دنیا کی تاریخ گواہ
ہے کہ قوموں کی پہچان اور ان کی ناموس کی بقاء صرف اور صرف باہمی اتفاق
،یکجہتی اور اجتماعی فیصلہ سازی میں پوشیدہ ہے جو قومیں ایک مقصد کے لئے
ایک قائد اور ایک جھنڈے کے پیچھے یکجا ہو کر انفرادی مفادات کو رد کرتے
ہوئے اجتماعی مفادات کی عملی جدو جہد کرنے کی صلاحیت رکھتی ہیں وہ عالم
اقوام میں ایک جدا گانہ حیثیت تسلیم کروانے میں کامیاب ہو جاتی ہیں وگرنہ
تاریخ کے اندھیروں میں ایک نامعلوم قوم کی حیثیت سے ہمیشہ کے لئے گُم ہو
جایا کرتی ہیں انہوں نے کہا کہ آج مختلف جھنڈوں ،مختلف سیاسی نظریوں اور
مختلف قائدین نے ہزارے وال قوم کو بکھیر کے رکھ دیا ہے اگر آج ہم اس تفریق
کے تمام نظریوں کر ترک کر کے ایک قائد اور ایک جھنڈے تلے یکجا ہو کر تحریک
صوبہ ہزارہ کو کامیاب نہ کر پائے تو اس کی تمام تر ذمہ داروہ تمام قوتیں
اور وہ لوگ ہوں گے جو تحریک صوبہ ہزارہ کے جھنڈے تلے یکجا ہونے کے بجائے
مختلف سیاسی جھنڈے پکڑے ہوئے ہزارہ کے عوام اور ہزارہ کی دھرتی کے ساتھ
غداری کے مرتکب ہو رہئے ہیں انہوں نے کہ کہ کچھ لوگوں کا کہنا ہے کہ ہزارہ
تو سب کا ہے اور میں کہتا ہوں کہ ہزارہ تو سب کا ہے لیکن ہزارے کا کون ہے ؟
یہ فیصلہ آج آپ نے کرنا ہے ۔میری جنگ ہزارے وال قوم کی غیرت اور ہزارے کی
مٹی کی وفا کی جنگ ہے مگر یہ جنگ صرف میری ہی نہیں بلکہ ہر غیرت مند ہزارے
والی کی جنگ ہے اگر آپ سب اس جنگ میں اپنی ذات برادری ،زبان اور مختلف
الخیال سیاسی نظریات کی تفریق کو مٹا کر تحریک صوبہ ہزارہ کے لئے اپنا تن
من دھن وقف کرنے کی صلاحیت رکھتے ہیں تو میں آپ کو یقین دلاتا ہوں کہ صوبہ
ہزارہ کے قیام کو دنیا کی کوئی طاقت نہیں روک سکتی ،میں آپ سب اور ہر ہزارے
وال سے غیرت کی بھیک مانگتا ہوں اور یہ یقین رکھتا ہوں کہ آپ اپنی آنے
والی نسلوں کو مایوس نہیں کریں گے ان خیالات کا اظہار بابا سر دار حیدر
زمان نے اپنی رہائشگاہ پر مختلف علاقوں سے آئے ہوئے وفود سے بات چیت کرتے
ہوئے کیا
baba haider zaman
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Anti- Corruption Team started inquiry of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad
BY: Syed Kosar Naqvi
The four
members Anti corruption team led by Jehanzeb Khan has met with number
of college employees and recorded their statements in the absence of the
main accused Dr. Abdul Rasheed, Principal Ayub Medical college, who is
reportedly on leave and went to Saudi Arabia for Umra. Highly placed
sources told this correspondent that during four days stay in the city,
the inquiry team probed the applicant Sartaj Ali Shah Administrative
officer, Accounts officer Sheraz, Security Officer Khalid Khakwani and a
sub engineer Farooq and recorded their statements. The team was
provided evidences against the misuse of funds by the college
authorities, source further informed. Anti corruption team was also
provided the documentary evidence about the misuse of public funds at
the Ayub Medical College (AMC) in the name of qualification allowance,
basic science allowance and special allowance during the last one
decade, which was already unearthed by provincial audit department.
According to the application filed by one Sartaj Ali Shah, Administrative officer Ayub Medical college Abbottabad to Chief Justice Peshawar High court requested the honourable court to take suo moto action against the gross irregularities in AMC. The four pages application, dated October 4, 2011 stated that he was transferred from his office just because of the fact that he has pointed out some irregularities committed by The Principal AMC during his last tenure in year 2007 and declared one Khalid Khakwani, security officer as Director Administration which is against the rules of business and un prwecedenteed.
According to the application filed by one Sartaj Ali Shah, Administrative officer Ayub Medical college Abbottabad to Chief Justice Peshawar High court requested the honourable court to take suo moto action against the gross irregularities in AMC. The four pages application, dated October 4, 2011 stated that he was transferred from his office just because of the fact that he has pointed out some irregularities committed by The Principal AMC during his last tenure in year 2007 and declared one Khalid Khakwani, security officer as Director Administration which is against the rules of business and un prwecedenteed.
The Administrative Officer who has served the institution for 32
years in his application has alleged that Dr. Abdul Rasheed in year 2007
provided 9 Lack rupees to Security officer in cash to carry out some
repair work of college vehicles. The security officer did not get the
advance amount adjusted for about two and half years and instead of
refunding the remaining amount claim for more than 14 lacks. “He was
about to get the amount of about 8 lacks over and above the real
expenses but I interfered and got the illegal payment stopped”, adding
that inquiry committee has proved Principal and Security officer have
caused huge loss to the exchequer. Similarly, he alleged that during
the last tenure of Dr. Abdul Rasheed a loss of more than 1.5 million
rupees was caused to the institution on account of fixing tiles in
the college library, which was also proved by the inquiry’s findings.
In another case, he alleged that Principal has provided 9 lack rupees to
the same security officer for cutting of hundreds of trees for the
construction of mosque.
Abbottabad News,
Monday, 13 February 2012
Sunday, 12 February 2012
PM Gilani indicted in contempt case
seven member bench headed by Justice Nasir-ul- Mulk Monday framed charge
against Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani in a suo moto case No.
4/2010 etc (Contempt of Court Matter) for non-compliance of para 178 of
the Supreme Court judgement in National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).
He is the first prime minister of the country who has been indicted.
Gilani, who swept into the court dressed in a dark suit, grey tie, white shirt and cufflinks, was charged within minutes of appearing.
Judge Nasir ul-Mulk read out the indictment and asked the prime minister whether he had heard the charges.
"Yes," Gilani replied.
"Do you plead guilty?" asked Jutice Nasir-ul-Mulk.
"No," Gilani replied.
The court then ordered Attorney General (AG) Maulvi Anwarul Haq to prosecute the case, giving him until Thursday (Feb 16) and the defence until February 27 to file documents, which will then be recorded on February 28. After that, a date will be set for trial.
He was indicted over not implementing paragraph 178 of NRO verdict spreading over two pages.
All the judges signed the charge sheet one by one. Aitzaz begged time till 24 for submission of reply as he was going out of the country and will come back by 21st.
Hearing of the case adjourned has been adjourned till February 22.
The bench comprising Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk, Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, Justice Sarmad Jalal Osmany, Justice Ejaz Afzal Khan, Justice Ijaz Ahmed Chaudhry, Justice Gulzar Ahmed and Justice Muhammad Athar Saeed after a brief proceedidngs of the contempt of court case framed the two-page charge sheet against the Prime Minister for non-compliance of the Supreme Court judgement on NRO.
Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan appeared before the court as counsel of the Prime Minister.
Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, Asfandyar Wali Khan and federal ministers including Ghulam Ahmed Bilour, Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan, Syed Khurshid Shah, Mir Changeze Jamali, Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar, Rehman A Malik and Maula Bakhash Chandio, Governor Punjab Sardar Latif Khan Khosa and a large number of members of the Parliament and leaders belonging to PPP were also present in the court room during the contempt proceedings against the Prime Minister.
He is the first prime minister of the country who has been indicted.
Gilani, who swept into the court dressed in a dark suit, grey tie, white shirt and cufflinks, was charged within minutes of appearing.
Judge Nasir ul-Mulk read out the indictment and asked the prime minister whether he had heard the charges.
"Yes," Gilani replied.
"Do you plead guilty?" asked Jutice Nasir-ul-Mulk.
"No," Gilani replied.
The court then ordered Attorney General (AG) Maulvi Anwarul Haq to prosecute the case, giving him until Thursday (Feb 16) and the defence until February 27 to file documents, which will then be recorded on February 28. After that, a date will be set for trial.
He was indicted over not implementing paragraph 178 of NRO verdict spreading over two pages.
All the judges signed the charge sheet one by one. Aitzaz begged time till 24 for submission of reply as he was going out of the country and will come back by 21st.
Hearing of the case adjourned has been adjourned till February 22.
The bench comprising Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk, Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, Justice Sarmad Jalal Osmany, Justice Ejaz Afzal Khan, Justice Ijaz Ahmed Chaudhry, Justice Gulzar Ahmed and Justice Muhammad Athar Saeed after a brief proceedidngs of the contempt of court case framed the two-page charge sheet against the Prime Minister for non-compliance of the Supreme Court judgement on NRO.
Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan appeared before the court as counsel of the Prime Minister.
Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, Asfandyar Wali Khan and federal ministers including Ghulam Ahmed Bilour, Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan, Syed Khurshid Shah, Mir Changeze Jamali, Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar, Rehman A Malik and Maula Bakhash Chandio, Governor Punjab Sardar Latif Khan Khosa and a large number of members of the Parliament and leaders belonging to PPP were also present in the court room during the contempt proceedings against the Prime Minister.
The Chief Justice of Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, March 1: The Chief Justice of Pakistan, Irshad Hasan Khan, on
Wednesday observed that when the politicians are in power, they try to
become dictators but when they are out of power, they become champions
of the rule of law. Presiding over a 12-member bench seized of the seven
petitions challenging the military takeover, the chief justice directed
the attorney general to provide details of the expenditure on holding
elections, including the expenses made by the candidates on their
election campaigns. The Supreme Court announced that it would decide the
issue of maintainability and merits of the case simultaneously. The
chief justice said the court had entertained the petitions.

Judicial Murder of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Part 4
Judicial Murder of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Part 5
Judicial Murder of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Part 6
Judicial Murder of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Part 7
Judicial Murder of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Part 8
Judicial Murder of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Part 9
Judicial Murder of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Part 10
"LIES", Lawyers Movement & Chief Justice.

Chief Justice,
Lawyers Movement
PCOed, Biased, Prejudiced Chief Justice on PCO Judges
Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) President Asma Jehangir condemned
the apex court's decision to revoke the status of PCO judges. "Such
'panchayti' judgments are not acceptable," Asma said, while addressing
lawyers at the Hyderabad district bar. Terming the order a 'third degree
treatment' in police parlance, she equated weapons used for torturing
detainees by the police with the judges' pens. "This pen is not for
settling your personal rivalries," she said in reference of the Supreme
Court judgement authored by the chief justice. She reminded the chief
justice of the promises made to the bar after he was deposed. Asma also
criticised Parliament and termed democracy "a change of faces" and
accused generals of calling the shots. "Our chequered history testifies
that their decisions have been a failure." Asma questioned if judges are
appointed on merit. According to her, judges from minority communities
are also being discriminated against. REFERENCE: PCO judges: Asma hits
out at SC decision By Z Ali Published: May 19, 2011
Chief Justice,
PCO Judges
وزير اعظم پر توہين عدالت کيس ميں فرد جرم عائد کر دي گئي
اسلام آباد…وزير اعظم کے خلاف توہين عدالت کيس ميں فردجرم عائد کردي گئي
ہے. وزير اعظم کو روسٹرم ميں کھڑا کر کے دو صفحات پر مشتمل فرد جرم پڑھ کر
سنائي گئي. اين آور او فيصلے کے پيرا گراف 178پر عمل نہ کرنے پر فرد جرم
عائد کي گئي. وزيراعظم گيلاني پاکستان کے پہلے چيف ايگزيکٹيو ہيں جن پر فرد
جرم عائد کي گئي. سات رکني بينچ کے سربراہ جسٹس ناصر الملک نے فرد جرم پڑھ
کر سنائي جس پر تمام ججز نے باري باري دستخط کئے ہيں. وزيراعظم نے اپنے
خلاف فرد جرم کي تحرير پڑھي اور اعتزاز احسن انہيں سمجھاتے رہے. عدالت نے
وزير اعظم سے استفسار کيا کہ ”کيا آپ نے خود پر فرد جرم سمجھ کر پڑھ لي“،
وزير اعظم نے جواب ديا کہ ”جي ہاں فرد جرم پڑھ لي ہے“. عدالت نے اس کے بعد
اٹارني جنرل کو وزير اعظم کے ٹرائل کا استغاثہ بننے کا کہہ ديا. وزير اعظم
نے صحت جرم سے انکار کر ديا ہے
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